Monday, March 06, 2006

Game 1: Fall 1901 Orders

So, my orders are due, and I haven't heard a peep from Turkey or Austria. Those treacherous swine are no doubt working together to ensure my downfall.

Fine ... I think I may have a surprise for those bastards.

My moves are:
F Sev - Bla
A Ukr - War
A StP - Nwy
F Bot - Swe

As I see it, I should gain Sweden with little problem. Norway is a toss-up depending on how big a threat the Brits consider the Germans. The south could either be a grand slam, or a mug's game.

If I go aggro, by changing Sev - Bla & Ukr - War to Sev - Rum, Ukr - Sev, I may gain Rum and bounce Arm from Sev. If (and, it's a big goddamn if) Austria fears Italy and doesn't move Gal into War, and if they also choose to protect themselves from Italy, then I keep Ukr by the skin of my teeth. The worst case scenario if I go balls out has Gal - War, Ser and/or Bul - Rum, Nth - Nwy, Den - Swe, Arm - Sev, and Ank - Bla. The result? I lose War, get bounced in Swe, bounced in Nwy, and bounced in Rum. I lose not only a vital SC, but also give Turkey an insurmountable advantage in Bla, and all but concede loss to the T-A Alliance.

The bitch is that I don't know what Italy is thinking, and I haven't gotten any further chatter from Turkey or Austria. I'm sitting alone here!

It's a tightrope, Spud - a tightrope.

My choice is to stay safe for now ... a major blunder (such as not gaining a single SC while losing War) basically all but finishes me off. Better to gamble with territory taken from others than with my own.

So, the orders once again are:

F Sev - Bla
A Ukr - War
A StP - Nwy
F Bot - Swe

Ook ook


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