Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Game 1: After Fall 1901

I am in deep hashish.

The evil, vile, infidel mohammaden has thrust at me, and I guessed wrong in a big way.

My moves, as you recall, were:

F Sev - Bla
A Ukr - War
A StP - Nwy
F Bot - Swe

Well, here's the good news. I got Sweden.

The bad news?

Turkey did:
F Ank - Con
A Arm - Sev
A Bul S A Gal - Rum

The Turko-Austrian alliance is now very apparent.

The fallout? I lose Sev, will lose Bla in the Spring (anyone thinking Turkey will not put a fleet in Ank is kidding themselves), and don't get any new builds. Turkey and Austria both get two builds (see left).

And I am out of this game inside another two years.

I hate to admit it, because I have a very big ego, but those two bastards played me like a fish.

Well, there is little I can do right now. Neither Italy nor Germany are in any position (nor likely have any desire) to help.

The salt for rubbing? Turkey then sends a message to taunt.

Bad form, Turkey, bad form.

Ook ook


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